Jenn Hussey Art | Colour. Connection. Creativity.
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Colour. Connection. Creativity.

My life is lived in full colour, and my art embodies that feeling – to live and express fully. Welcome to the world of Jenn Hussey art.


Growing up my father owned an art supply shop, so I guess you could say I was born into the world of art. Some of my earliest memories are of being surrounded by rows and rows of paint, the intoxicating smell, the feel of the bristles on my fingers and the colours – so many colours to choose from, to experience and create with. I covered the back of the shop with a mosaic wallpaper of my paintings, experiencing every colour I could get my hands on. My dream was to become an artist, but like many I was told it wasn’t a “real” job, so I shelved that dream for many years, filling time in a role on the complete other end of the spectrum as a financial manager because it was a “stable” job, and one that would allow me to support myself and my daughter. I denied myself art and found reasons not to paint, with each year drifting further away from my joy.


And then it was time. Around eight years ago my partner bought me an easel for my birthday and gave me the gift of time, allowing me to focus on my art – and sitting down at it again after all those years I felt a calm – like I could breathe again. And I loved every minute of it.


All the colours came flooding back, and I started seeing shapes in the trees again and planning paintings in my mind. Many paintings later, I feel my confidence is finally back. I am moving away from more structured work and becoming freer with every brush stroke. I have stopped questioning every painting and just doing.


I love sharing my art and hearing what my pieces mean to people, what they see, how they feel. Mixing and blending colours is part of my process and I often use texture to create works that can be touched, allowing people to feel the painting. The beauty in abstract is that so much is subjective, and each person sees it differently, bringing their own interpretation to it. This is what feeds my soul again.


So, why Bibi? It is what my grandchildren call me, and when I started to paint again I wanted them to touch and feel the colour. It was my gift to them. Now, as I have gained confidence and grown as an artist it’s time for me to proudly own my art as the person I am: Jenn Hussey (Artist).


For all art sales and commissions enquiries please email